Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Interesting Article.

Do-Gooders Get Voted Off Island First: People Don't Really Like Unselfish Colleagues, Psychologists Find.

Full article here: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/08/100823101110.htm

Basically, it says those that work hard and do unselfish acts are frowned on by their colleagues, because it makes them look bad.

I usually consider myself someone who works hard, but I never thought about what my other workers would think about that.

What are your thoughts?


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Today's The Day.

Today's the day I start Blogging.  Blogging about what you may ask.  About Science.  And more specifically, what's going on in my science classroom.

You see, I'm a science teacher and I feel it's important that students and their parents get to see what's going on in class that day.  And, this blog will hopefully keep me honest in keeping things up-to-date and it's a great way to record the days lessons.  Ideally, making planning the next year easier.

Everyday, students and parents (when school starts) will get to come to this blog and read, (possibly see if photos are taken) what went on during class.  I might even through in questions that parents should ask their children at home, just to make sure they walked away with the proper concepts understood.

I'm sure a lot of teachers have blogs, so I know this is nothing new.  But it is new to me.  I've never blogged before.  I don't much like writing.  But, with your help and support, this could become a very good thing.

And who knows?  It may not all be school oriented stuff.  I'll post about things that I think are cool going on in the scientific community and maybe some stuff related to my film making.

That's right.  I make movies too.

Anyhow, I hope this first post goes well.

